Becoming a Handy Professional

Initially, Handy would onboard new professionals by having them come into an office where they were interviewed and taught about the program. They were guided through a step by step orientation and hand held to download the app and claim their first job. As the company expanded, maintaining these offices became a costly expense. We realized in order to grow, we needed to find a way to mimic this experience digitally.


Create a digital orientation by maintaining the pro acquisition at a 6% yield (from app start to first job completed). 


What happens at these orientations? I spent a few days sitting in the sessions to understand the process.

At first, we re-created each step of the offline experience in digital form. Knowing that it would be too easy to just recreate it digitally, it lead us to want to design the sections as a configurable elements. This was extremely useful in testing and understanding what provided us with the right order for the virtual flow.


With a virtual flow, our biggest issue was losing out on in person contact. The loss of this meeting created a lower intent to become an active member of the marketplace. A professional could easily sign up and go through the on boarding but never have the courage to claim and go to their first job. This caused our acquisition costs to sky rocket. We needed some indicator that they were serious and capable of joining the platform. We needed the flow to be user friendly and teach our new professionals how to use the app, but also have some friction to sign up.  


We tested different points of friction like asking a professional when their start date could be. This forced them to think about when they could actually work. We then prompted them to claim their first 5 jobs. And lastly, we tested what would happen if we asked the professional to enter a credit card number to pay for cleaning supplies. These experiences became drop off points in the flow. It created enough friction that only cleaners that were highly motivated made it through.